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Orchid Care - Frequently Asked Questions

American Orchid Society Webinars

Webinars are online video presentations. You can register for an upcoming webinar or watch the recorded webinars any time at your convenience. We add multiple webinars each month, so check back often.

  • You must pre-register for all live webinars. In a live webinar, you will have the ability to ask questions. This is done by clicking the Chat button  which is found at the right of the upper banner bar.

  • Recorded webinars can be watched at anytime. These can be paused  and played  at your convenience. These buttons are found at the bottom-left of the video. Hover your cursor over this location and the buttons will appear.

  • Both types of webinars are best viewed in full-screen. This can be done by clicking the expand icon  which will appear at the bottom-right corner of the webinar screen when you hover your cursor over this location.

Monthly Greenhouse Chats are FREE to view.

Others require membership in the AOS


Visit our Judging Center


The orchid growing public is encouraged to bring their blooming orchids in for review to any of our monthly judgings or to any AOS judged show. If at a show, all host society show rules also apply.


Plants must be pest free and presented in their best condition.


Exhibitor must be willing to pay the processing fees in a timely manner for any AOS award granted. 


Membership in the AOS is not required to exhibit your orchids but AOS membership offers discounts on processing fees.


Become an AOS member today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Orchids

When should I expect New Growth?

Checkout the Greenhouse Chats on the American Orchid Society website.

Greenhouse Chats  Past date chats are indexed by topic. You do not need to be an AOS member to view Greenhouse Chats.
How Do I Water?



What is Adequate Light?
When Should I Water?


Why is Air Flow Important?
Growing Orchids in a
Shade House,





Tampa Bay Orchid Society is an affiliated member of the American Orchid Society, Inc. since 1981. Eileen Hector is our AOS Representative. 


Our regional judging center has a website: American Orchid Society-Florida North Central Judging Center (FNCJC).  As an affiliated organization, a link to our website has been included on their site.


There you will find:

  • The current calendar of orchid related events for our region

  • Plant entry exhibitor instructions

  • Orchid education and learning opportunities 


Received the American Orchid Society Distinguished Affiliated Societies Service Award (2021)

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