Thank You for Visiting
our 2024 Orchid Show!
Look for us in the same place
the first weekend in March 2025
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Great Day of orchid judging at the show on Saturday, March 02, 2024.
Hundreds of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons. So many trophies!
16 AOS Judgjng personnel.
44 nominations from the show floor for American Orchid Society Judging
resulting in 24 AOS Awards.
AOS Show trophy for best exhibit in the show awarded to Tampa Orchid Club.
Thank you to all our exhibitors and judges!
1. American Orchid Society, Inc., Show Trophy. Sponsored by Tampa Bay Orchid Society, Inc.
2. Best Seedling Blooming for the First Time: Classes 190, 231, 240, 295, 320, 397, 440, 470, 530, 630, 690, 790 and 1020. Sponsored by Frances Roberts and Robert Greene (Laelia Soleil Croft Award)
3. Best Small Flowered Cattleya: Classes 200 – 210. Sponsored by Bill Nunez
4. Best Large Flowered Cattleya: Classes 220 – 230. Sponsored by Frances Roberts and Robert Greene (Ken and Boon Roberts Award)
5. Best Encyclia /Epidendrum /Prosthechea Species or Intrageneric hybrid:(Memoria Alicia Agular Award): Classes 70 – 90. Sponsored by Heather Ferrill
6.Best Epidendrum/Encyclia/Prosthechea Intergeneric Hybrid: Class 100. Sponsored by Debbie Troy
8. Best Oncidium Alliance: Classes 540 – 621 Sponsored by Cooks Kitchen Tampa
9. Best Phalaenopsis: Classes 480 – 526. Sponsored by Frances Roberts and Robert Greene (Frances and John Roberts Award)
10. Best Vanda Alliance: Classes 330 – 460. Sponsored by Heather Gramling
11. Best Paphiopedilum Species: Classes 250 – 255. Sponsored by Fajen's Orchids - Bill Fajen
12. Best Paphiopedilum Hybrid: Classes 261 – 292. Sponsored by Ryan Kowalczyk
13. Best Catasetinae: Classes 900 – 911. Sponsored by Corinne Arnold
14. Best Bulbophyllinae: Classes 930 – 943. Sponsored by Accent Orchids - Ruth and Bret Ullery PAID 0201
15. Best Species - The Memoria Mary Ann Mandell Trophy. All plants exhibited in the show. Sponsored by Gale Lee
16. Best Miniature Orchid: Class 1030. Sponsored by Watts Beauty
17. Best Florida Native Orchid: Class 1040. Sponsored by Watts Beauty
18. Best Specimen: all plants exhibited in the show. Sponsored by Sonia and Allen Evans
19. Best in Show Trophy – Memoria Jim & Emily Clarkson: all plants exhibited in the show. Sponsored by Eileen and Julio Hector.
20. Best Diversified Genera Species & Hybrids: Classes 800 – 880 & 950 – 1010. Sponsored by Nancy Losgar
21. Best Cymbidium Orchid: Classes 640-690. Sponsored by Doreen Zelen
22. Best Arts and Crafts Trophy: Classes 1080 – 1120. Sponsored by Frances Roberts and Robert Greene (Victoria Roberts Croft Award)
23. Best Stanhopea, Coryanthes, Gongora & allied genera, Species & Hybrids: Class 890. Sponsored by Laura and Wes Newton
24. Best Youth Entry, Educational Exhibit or plant entered by youth age 14 and under: Sponsored by Frances Roberts and Robert Greene (Barbara and Robert Greene Sr. Award)
25. Best Cypripedium Alliance excluding Paphiopedilum: Classes 300-320. Sponsored by Corbin Beller
The Dick Pippen Educator/Mentor Award is a special cash prize to the person with an entry in our show who is granted their first ever AOS award at our show. Sponsored by Kelly and Cheryle Daniel
2024 Orchid Show & Sale
March 02-03
and Growing SUPPLIES
Artistic Orchid Displays
Competitive Entries are eligible to win Ribbons, Trophies and American Orchid Society Awards Registration takes place at the venue Friday, March 01.
5 Daily Orchid Drawings
Free drawing ticket with paid admission. Tickets called hourly. Extra tickets are available for purchase. Must be present to win. Plants and product are from our show vendors.
1 Grand Prize Drawing
Free drawing ticket with paid admission. Must enter drawing. Extra entries are available for purchase. Need not be present to win. Winner is responsible for claiming and pick-up arrangements after the close of the show.
Daily Admission $5

Since 1981
To enter your plants for Ribbons, Trophies and American Orchid Society awards: Print the PDF file for plant registration. Bring with your entries to the venue, Friday, March 01.
Tampa Bay Orchid Society is a Florida Not-For-Profit Organization
The Dick Pippen Educator/Mentor Award is a special $100 cash prize to the person with an entry in our show who is granted their first ever AOS award at our show. Sponsored by Kelly and Cheryle Daniel
There are 24 other cash award trophies for our show.